Evidence of the Affair by Taylor Jenkins Reid Modern tale of the unexpected secrets in a marriage. Evidence of the Affair, a short story by...
This holiday season, Puttshack in Addison is the ultimate place to celebrate in style! With tech-infused mini golf, festive drinks and globally-inspired bites,...
In a time when pollinator populations are facing critical threats, How To Make a Pollinator Garden (Como Hacer un Jardín Polinizador) is blooming with practical...
The Nephilim’s Fate War of the Nephilim, #1 by Eliza Hampstead Exciting beginning for this intensely passionate paranormal romance series. The...
The Collin County Soil & Water Conservation District is currently taking orders for conservation tree and shrub seedlings. The purpose of this program is to...
Temple, Texas -- Each year the Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board and the Association of Texas Soil and Water Conservation Districts recognize and...
I Know She Was There by Jennifer Sadera Exhilaratingly mind-blowing. I Know She Was There by Jennifer Sadera is a mesmerizing tale of mystery,...
The Dallas Academy community came together in vibrant style on Saturday, November 9th, for the annual DAwg Run, which featured a burst of color as participants...
Irving-based U.S. Oral Surgery Management (USOSM) President and CEO Richard Hall recently received the SCALE Community MSO Excellence Award, which recognizes...
Richard Coke: Texan by Rosser Coke Newton, St. Brimming with the passion of the past and the parallels with the present. Richard Coke: Texan is a...