LIssa Duty
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Everyone has a pain point! What is your pain point as a small business owner? Let me take a guess… Working on your business while working in your business!

Don’t worry; you are not alone! One of the biggest struggles business owners have is being both the chief cook and the bottle washer.

I’m cofounder of Rocks Digital and I have started several businesses, plus been personally involved in the growth, development and success of countless others. I do have direct personal experience with this pain point.

You Need Experts

With the world changing and technology evolving almost daily it seems, how can you keep up? That’s where experts come into play. Yes, I know the old adage; no one can really be an expert. And you are right, they can’t, but they can be really stinking smart and come real close to it.

As a business owner, you must identify experts you can trust and then follow them, email them, read what they produce, and maybe even hire them. Keeping up to date and current is a must!

There are all types of experts. As for me, I am specifically in the digital marketing space, so I follow those who are closely connected to this industry with dedication.

Part of this quest to grow my knowledge and engage with those I’m connected with is to host and organize a digital marketing conference each year. What started in 2012 as 110 business owners who gathered for a Social Media Day celebration in Addison has evolved into a full-on digital marketing conference that focuses on local SEO, search, social media, mobile, and content marketing. Each year 300+ attendees join together to learn from the best and the brightest.

I bring the experts to Dallas so business owners just like you can come learn, network, and grow your business! That’s my mission and my passion.

Your Invitation

With that in mind, I’m inviting you to attend the Rocks Digital Marketing Conference I organize each year at a special rate.

Getting your digital marketing right is one of the most important steps you must take! Whether you have been in business for 1 day, 100 days or 1,000 days, you must get up-to-date and stay current on these ever-changing technologies. I know what it takes to be successful, and attending events like Rocks Digital is essential.

Use the code BUBBLELIFE today, tomorrow, next week – or even on the last day of registration – and save $75 off your ticket. (But please remember, the earlier you register, the more you save, and as a business owner on a budget, saving is good!)

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